1.19 million active troops - 687,000 active troops
7.7 million reserve troops - 4.5 million reserve troops.
4,100 tanks - 2,750 main battle tanks.
2,500 armored personal carriers - 2,780 armored personal carriers.
17,900 artillery pieces - 10,470 artillery pieces.
620 combat aircraft (mostly migs) - 490 combat aircraft.
420 warships - 140 warships
71 submarines - 12 submarines
800 ballistic missiles - Limited under treaty with u.s.
6-8 possible nuclear weapons - 0 nuclear weapons.
Population-23.9 million - Population-48.3 million
Capital-Pyongyang - Capital-Seoul
Size-47,000 sq miles - 38,000 sq miles.
Religion-mainly atheist - Religion-Buddhism,Christianity.
Political-communist rule - Political-democracy
Economy-fragile - Economy-thriving.
Society-poverty - Society-good standard of living.
Exports-minerals,metal,cement - Exports-electrical,machinery.
Media-government propaganda - Media-terrestrial networks, satellite
Looks like if it were war between just these 2 nation, maybe the north would edge it due to having more military at their disposal..